January 23, 2010

Digital Postcard Series: Melting Athabasca Glacier, Rocky Mountains, Canada

digital postcard #0008

Facts About Athabasca Glacier
There is already a lot said about Athabasca Glaciers. However, you may want to know that Athabasca Glacier will not be with us for a long time. It is sliding with gravity and its melting as much as few centimeters per day. May be another 100 years. But it will be forever with us on the photographs thousands of thousands people took. You also may want to know, that the current melting water is the purest water known, but again, the most recent snow falls are carrying lot of pollution, and it may not be anymore. Athabasca Glacier is the only glacier that you can actually walk on, and guess what you could be standing on something that is hundreds and hundreds years old; and can melt in a matter of minutes once you pick a piece of it.

Photo taken at Athabasca Glacier, Columbian Icefields, Canada.

NOTE: Digital postcard copyright My Only Photo. Digital postcard artwork by My Only Photo. Download for personal use only, and ask for commercial use. To download full printable size - click on the image, then Save as. File size 4x6 inches [800x1200px], @ 200 dpi. Picture hosted at Atpic.com.