April 16, 2010

Spring Makes Me Happy

Life is too short for not to enjoy it. We all come to realization at some point or the other. Why live in the past or not to be happy? Despite of what's been happening or happens around me I came to this conclusion - to be happy. Moving forward, enjoying every day makes me happy. This means enjoying my time with family, friends and even when I meet strangers.

Here are some interesting quotes about happiness you may enjoy reading, as much as I did.

'There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.' ~ by George Sand

'Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.' ~ by Mark Twain

'Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.' ~ by Thich Nhat Hanh

'You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.' ~ by Albert Camus

'If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator.' ~ by W. Beran Wolfe


  1. My only Photo Journey? You have 3 blogs and a kid? LOL, how to manage all of that!?

    Thanks for the spring cheer and the tag, I am indeed happy these days because the weather is (mostly) good!


  2. You are so right Anna, it is something we can share and it gives us great pleasure in doing it too. As they say, a smile costs nothing and most of the time we can all do with one or two or three...

  3. We can choose happiness. Sometimes that's hard though. I'm glad you're happy, I'm happy too.

  4. another quote that I like - "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." -- Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

    thanks for your visit and hope you're enjoying spring

  5. Thank you Anna, for me it's a big loss, a great tragedy, yet I still do not believe it ...

  6. Anna: Wild flowers are always a treat. It is great to have favorite blogs.

  7. I absolutely agree with you about sharing happiness. More you give, more you will get. Have a nice and lovely spring season.


  8. Thanks for posting the Happiness Anna ;)And I loved the sunny flowers spring capture, as well as the quotes, and hope you're enjoying spring and nice weather with Matthew daily my friend

  9. Hi Anna
    What a nice post this is. It is so much nicer to be happy than miserable - my choice is happiness.
    At the moment by one of my biggest sources of happiness is my grandchildren. What I find incredible is the amazing bond that exists between grandparents and grandchildren.
    Thanks for all the visits.
    I am still around, just had a bad case of bloogers block, but will try get back on board.
    All the best Max

  10. I'm a "spring-person", and seeing the world start to grow again really makes me grow too. Your yellow colours were a pleasure to see.

  11. Love the photo. I also love Spring time, early to middle Spring before it gets too hot. We;ve been having some perfect weather the last few days. Hope it continues.

  12. Spring definitely makes me happy as well. I definitely believe we can choose to be happy, even under the most trying of circumstances.

  13. Lovely shot Anna! Yes, I am still around :-)...been working outside in the gardens and woods as much as possible transplanting trees, thinning the garden to make room for the plants to grow and moving soil (lots of it!) to extend our gardens; all getting everything ready before the black flies come out in full force. As you are aware I've closed down my blog but will resume in the fall at the first hint of snow :-) Until then I will be visiting your site as much as possible as I have always done. And in response to your post, my greatest challenge is to follow the old mantra "Don't worry ...be happy", but like you I am trying to focus on the be happy part. I hope you and your husband and Matthew have a wonderful spring and summer. See ya later alligator :-) Take care of yourself.

  14. Hi Anna Thanks for tagged me. There are so many bloggers that deserve to be tagged or awarded and it is so difficult to choose only some of them.
    I like your spring photo very much. Little things make me happy. “…For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed”. :-)

  15. Spring makes me so HAPPY :)))))
    Sun warm air I love it !!!!!
    Nice spring post

  16. Beautiful picture Anna and beautiful words too... I'm happy that you're citing some nice French authors there ;-) And their citation are so true! One has to wonder where his happiness is ;-)

  17. most happy to be part of the list who make you happy. :)

  18. Me too. cool shot and story.

  19. Lovely spring shot Anna, so full of life. Wonderful quotes, it's never to late to stop and smell the roses. As I've grown older happiness comes from the simple things in life and of course the greatest treasure in my life is my granddaughter and each minute I spend with her is pure joy. Hope you and Matthew are enjoying the spring season.

  20. Hi Anna :D!

    Spring makes most of us happy! I really dislike winter (I can't stand the cold); and whenever I witness the flowers blossoming I feel happy and I am reminded of the cycle of life.

    Enjoy your family moments and enjoy your mates :D!

    Have a gorgeous weekend, darling! Ciao

  21. Anna:

    No truer words were ever spoken. My Queen and I have always lived our lives according to our personal rule that happiness is a lifestyle.

    Sometimes we read your blog together and consider you one of our dearest blogger buddies.

    Happy trails.

  22. So glad to see your spring post ... this spring everything seem to be in bloom, wonderful wildflowers.
    You caught me in mid post... I can only post one picture a a time... thanks for your wonderful comments

  23. Sharing is giving! Thanks for sharing!


  24. We are still battling winds and rain and cool temps. As a result things are green but not much in the way of flowers are in bloom yet. We're hoping.

  25. Wonderful post with beautiful image. Happiness will only increase by sharing with others.

  26. Oh no! I have fallen off the Happy List!

    I can see everybody except me making you happy but MAX????
    (As in MAX the Dissector of life and society)

    She is a naughty girl…I cannot imagine how she could possibly make you happy…Bob I understand…Bob is gloriously compable of making a person happy…I know I felt it when I sat across the table with him at Starbucks…but MAX????

    I get it with Peter…I mean what is there not to like about Peter…he is a great guy…he makes me happy…but Max????

    …and Swu…I mean who does not love Swu’s stories….but Max???

    I get it with Tatiana …I mean Tatiana is one of the worlds perfect names…If I was a gal I would want to be a Tatiana…

    Everybody on the Happy List makes me happy…including you Anna…but Max???

    Anna…dear…did Max pay you to be on the Happy List? You can tell me…just whisper…


    Owwww I bit my tongue….

  27. Thank you Anna! And may I say you have made me happy for years! Sorry I have been slow on the go getting here, your buddy! :)

  28. This picture maks me happy. :)

  29. A beautiful shot, Anna, and I share your happiness. :D Thanks for the mention. :D

    You are such a dear friend and I know you will be with me as I face these next difficult weeks.

    Your blogs have meant a lot to me and I am happy we can connect this way!

    Hugs, JJ

  30. 'Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.' ~ by Mark Twain

    YOU made me happy, Anna - since I know you many blogging days ago :)

    Thanks for this post, my dear friend.

    Finally I could make it to visit your blog again, sorry for the long absent time, you know, there was a lot going on, down here in sunny Florida - with all those palm trees...LOL...


  31. lovely and the yellow just stands out!

  32. A lovely photo, Anna. One eventually reaches a point in life when one realizes that being happy depends a great deal (not completely, perhaps) on choosing to be happy....


Thank you for your comments!